One of Historic Downtown Stuart’s most notable tourist attractions is an intersection called “Confusion Corner”. Now, I have lived in the Stuart area for over 20 years and there is always a bit of bewilderment as I approach this intersection. When folks come and visit, I let them drive through this maze. The advice I give them when they approach Confusion Corner is to “close your eyes and floor it. You will be fine.” Well, I am not sure that is the best course of action to take, but it can get quite unnerving for drivers that have never experienced it.

This complicated crossing is the coming together of eight different streets: Flagler Avenue, East Ocean, West Ocean Blvd, Colorado Avenue, A1A North & South, and Dixie Highway, creating one of the most confusing intersections a driver could ever imagine. If you think that was baffling to read, try driving this intersection. Of course, you realize you’re taking your life into your own hands.

Florida East Coast Railroad
Next, let’s throw in another factor just for good measure. As if driving through this inconsistent interchange is not disorienting enough with all the roads meeting up at the roundabout, let’s add to the turmoil and throw in a train track and a rush-hour locomotive to clog it up some more.

Oh, come on. Let’s not stop now, we are on a roll. They recently added a Brightline line passenger train that will bring a train right through the middle of downtown Stuart at speeds of 80 miles per hour. That is raising a few eyebrows with Stuart residents.
On the Road
This junction is quite famous. To begin with, Confusion Corner drew legendary CBS newsman Charles Kuralt to Stuart in 1979 to film a segment for his popular “On the Road” series. Nashville’s Cliff Buckosh wrote a song and cut a record about the famous crossroads and even “Harborwear”, a Downtown Stuart Boutique that has a souvenir T-Shirt for anyone who survived driving through Confusion Corner – and lived!

A visit to downtown Stuart is uncompleted unless you’ve driven through this mind-boggling, circular attempt at navigating traffic.